Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Bad times are REAL!

We have been given a taste lately of the bitterness that comes along with an argument. In our case, it has been over a playset for our girls. As we've gone back and forth through this, the issue keeps coming down to money, the classic quarrel.

It has been an interesting lesson for us and there has been a flood of feelings that we've dialogued about like guilt over skimping on what we give the kids, fear about a lack of financial security, etc. As our argument became more and more heated, we had other feelings like failure - what will others think of us if they knew we had such a bad fight? We felt insecurity - we're in a leadership role, everyone is looking to us to be a perfect example.

Then we had a realization. This is REAL. Everyone has arguments like this. Its human nature. What Worldwide Marriage Encounter and the couples who have impacted us have done for us is that now, when we hit rock bottom, we decide to forgive. We decide to love. We decide to try again. We remember our vows and we DO them! Through good times and BAD.

The issue isn't resolved, it may not be for some time. The important thing is that we remember to love each other in the process.

Dialogue on this: Do I believe it is REAL and allowable for us to hit rock bottom?  HDIFAT? (How do I feel about this?)

Onward to Glory!

Bill n Heather

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